This is a simple web application to manage IP blacklists and whitelists. In addition to providing functionality for controlling the lists, you can perform IP lookups to determine whether an IP is good or bad. The lookup checks the IP against VirusTotal, AbuseIPDB, Shodan, etc. It will display a map with the IP's location, attempt to resolve the IP to a domain name, and take a screenshot of the associated website. You can also connect the application to Splunk to view the most recent logs associated with the IP.

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Dots AI

Trying to learn and understand what is AI and how it works, I created a simple game where AI learns how to reach the goal. Every dot has its own brain. Also, there is a fitness function that determines how close the dot reaches the goal. The higher the result of the fitness function for a specific dot, the higher is the probability that the next generation of dots will have a brain similar to that specific dot.

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In 2020, I joined the media team at my Ukrainian church. We needed an application to display lyrics and Bible verses on a screen. Since the church was relatively small and had a limited budget, we needed something free. Therefore, I decided to develop an application that would meet our needs.

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